Canada Post Tentative Agreement

Canada Post Tentative Agreement: What It Means for Employees and Customers

After months of negotiations, Canada Post and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) reached a tentative agreement on August 28, 2021. The agreement covers approximately 50,000 employees, including postal workers, mail handlers, and clerks. While the details of the agreement are yet to be released, here’s what we know so far.

Wage Increases

The tentative agreement reportedly includes wage increases for all workers, with a retroactive pay increase dating back to January 2021. The wage increases are said to be higher for the lowest-paid employees, which is good news for those who have been struggling to make ends meet.

Job Security

Another important issue that was addressed in the tentative agreement was job security. The agreement reportedly includes provisions that will protect employees from layoffs due to automation or contracting out. This is particularly important given that Canada Post has been testing new delivery methods, including drones and autonomous vehicles.

Health and Safety

The tentative agreement is also expected to include provisions for improved health and safety conditions for workers. This is particularly important given that postal workers have been on the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic, delivering essential items to Canadians across the country.

Service Levels

For customers, the tentative agreement could mean improved service levels. The agreement reportedly includes a commitment to reducing parcel delivery times, which has been a major issue for Canada Post in recent years. The agreement could also mean an end to strikes and lockouts, which have disrupted mail delivery in the past.

Next Steps

While the details of the tentative agreement have not yet been released, it’s important to note that the agreement is still subject to ratification by both the CUPW and Canada Post. Once ratified, the agreement will be in effect for the next three years.

In conclusion, the Canada Post tentative agreement is a positive development for both employees and customers. The agreement includes wage increases, job security provisions, improved health and safety conditions, and a commitment to improving service levels. While it’s still subject to ratification, the agreement is a step in the right direction for Canada Post and its employees.