What Countries Are Members of the North American Free Trade Agreement Quizlet

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a trade agreement that was established in 1994 between the countries of Canada, Mexico, and the United States. This agreement was designed to eliminate trade barriers and promote economic integration between the three nations.

If you`re looking to test your knowledge on NAFTA and its member countries, Quizlet is a great resource to use. Here, we`ll take a closer look at what countries are members of the NAFTA trade agreement.


As one of the original signatories to the NAFTA agreement, Canada has been a member since its inception in 1994. The country is the second-largest trading partner of the United States, and NAFTA has helped to facilitate a robust economic relationship between the two countries.


Mexico is another original signatory of the NAFTA agreement and has been a member since its start in 1994. The country has undergone significant economic growth since joining the agreement, with many industries experiencing a boost in trade and investment opportunities.

United States:

The United States is the third and final original signatory of the NAFTA agreement. The country is the largest economy in the world, and NAFTA has helped to solidify its economic relationship with Canada and Mexico.

In conclusion, the NAFTA trade agreement has had a significant impact on the economies of Canada, Mexico, and the United States. By eliminating trade barriers and increasing economic integration between the three nations, NAFTA has helped to create new opportunities for businesses and investors. With Quizlet, you can test your knowledge on the member countries of NAFTA and deepen your understanding of this important trade agreement.